Prescription Drug Ads

I read the Background issue article, and it explains how much money the prescription drug companies make. I don’t agree with prescription drugs I think some of it is a scam, for example people around the world take dozens of pills a day and that’s not healthy for the human body. In 1961 at least 10 thousand kids were born with diseases due to their parents taking free sample drugs from pharmaceutical Drs. Since I was a kid watching drug ads on TV i always wondered why did the voice over that said all the side affects say them so fast when that information is the most important, it would always state out the few good affects that it will have on you but the major things get blocked out that’s not fair to the consumers that they can’t get all the facts about the drug until going to a doctor or reading the bad affects online or however they find out. Many drugs that the FDA approve cause suicidal thoughts, nausea, brain damage , and maybe the most common of all is depression, I learned that every 19 minutes somebody had died from an overdose on prescription drugs. This world is so backwards and its all about money and greed, we have been taught that marijuana is bad for us it makes you dumber but clearly look at the facts, tobacco kills people, alcohol kills people, prescription drugs kill people, weed deaths are still at 0, in my opinion the U.S.A needs an restart button this country needs help, but moral of the story I don’t agree with prescription drugs only for those who really need to take them

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